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You are viewing Cheat Codes for CounterStrike System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-05-25 01:08:26 Views : 31271 See Others' Records cl_hidefrags 0 = To see other peoples records of kills and deaths. Adjust Gravity After activating cheat mode in the console with sv_cheats 1 you can change gravity with sv_gravity <-999 - 999999> Auto aim only to sniper rifles Type this in your console: sv_cheats 1 and then type sv_aim See Thru Wall Type gl_zmax 100 gl_zmax 3600 will disable this cheat Go To Map After activating cheat mode in the console with sv_cheats 1 you can change gravity with changelevel < mapname >. For example: "changelevel dust" (without the quotes of course). Money and Weapons To get 16000$ which is the max, sv_cheats must be on. So type in the following in your console: sv_cheats 1 This will enable the cheats. After activating you must restart the level/map. Then type in impuse 101 in your console and you will have 16000 dollars! The other code is for the weapons. I dont want to take all the time to explain all the weapon names because if you already play Counter-Strike alot you should know the weapons/weapon code names. to get the weapons you must have the cheats activated once again sv_cheats 1. Now type the following in your console give weapon_< -weapon name here- > C4 timer to 10 sec Type the following in your console: mp_c4timer 10 Speed Upgraded To upgrade the speed of your movements, go to your console and type: cl_forwardspeed 999. Repeat this with cl_sidespeed 999 and cl_backspeed 999... After doing all of these, you'll move VERY fast. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more CounterStrike cheat codes.
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